Serenade for Strings was composed in June of 2023. The original version is for string orchestra, however it is well-suited to a string quintet so I prepared this version immediately after completing the piece. The sound of strings is one of my favorites in the western classical palette, with its capacity for rich, blended timbre as well as a broad range of possible sounds. True to its title, I wanted to create an attractive piece that sings and dances with beauty, lyricism, and vibrant energy.
The first movement (Allegro Moderato) unfolds with three statements of a theme, each time in a different key with an accompaniment of increasing activity. Over a driving, droning meter of seven, the melody consists of phrases using various modes against a tonic pedal such as ionian, lydian, mixolydian and aeolean. In the last section the music slowly disappears from view, with fragments of the theme echoing in several instruments as the texture dissolves into a single pitch.
The second movement (Andante Cantabile) is a lyrical offering with a gradual dynamic build through the piece. It evolves from a quiet fugato introducing the primary theme in major tonality (modulating to a new key with each entrance) to a passionate outpouring in minor modality, then recedes with a closing reference to its opening bars.
The concluding movement (Rondo) is an energetic finale with a syncopated, bluesy theme. In rondo form, it features appearances of the primary theme alternating with episodes of contrasting character that feature melodies from previous movements woven into the texture.
Bruce Stark
The first movement displayed lovely melodies, thrilling ascending passages for the violins. The second sang with a lovely duet between the cellos and violins, a dramatic descending passage, and unison lines an octave apart. The third opened with a robust statement, speedy phrases for each section, and an exciting, rhythmic drive to a triumphant finale that sent everyone home with an uplifted spirit, making a beautiful sonic bouquet for Camerata PYP’s Sound Garden.
James Bash, Oregon Artswatch
2. Andante Cantabile
3. Rondo