Sketches of Japan

by Bruce Stark
trombone and piano
piano score (33 pages) and part

  1. Wordless Melody

  2. Sakura Fantasy

  3. Matsuri

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Megumi Kanda and Yoko Yamada perform Sketches of Japan at the 2021 Pokorny Low Brass Seminar

Sketches of Japan was commissioned by Megumi Kanda (principal trombone, Milwaukee Symphony), and premiered on July 14th by Ms. Kanda and Jason Lo at the 2021 International Trombone Festival in Columbus, Georgia.

The first movement, Wordless Melody, is an expression of my nostalgia and love of the Japanese countryside, and also of the strength, modesty and robust generosity I found in many people during my stay in Japan (1989-2013). Its melody is characterized by the use of pentatonic scales, which appear often in traditional Japanese songs. The iconic Sakura Sakura melody, featured in the second movement, has become a musical symbol of Japan throughout the world. Sakura Fantasy is essentially my arrangement of this tune, honoring the melody but providing other material that creates an environment for its appearance, including some piano writing reminiscent of the sound of Japanese koto. Matsuri concludes the piece with a rhythmic, energetic romp that I hope captures some of the joyous, physical vitality of Japanese festivals. Clusters in the low piano register are a depiction of large taiko drums.

—excerpted from program notes

Program Notes in Japanese




そして出来上がった作品が「Sketches of Japan」です。

第一楽章「Wordless Melody」のメロディーは、日本の伝統的な歌にもよく見られるペンタトニックスケールの使用が特徴です。そして私の日本への郷愁と愛情、日本の人々の力強さや謙虚さ、そして寛大さの様子を織り込んでいます。

第二楽章「Sakura Fantasy」は日本の象徴的な音楽、さくらさくらをモチーフとした作品です。メロディを守りつつ、和の趣を表現すべく伴奏部分にも日本の琴を彷彿させるピアノパートなどが存在しています。
